July 07, 2004

My Turn

Ok, so last night was my first breakdown of the wedding. I guess it wasn't really a breakdown, but I definitely went into shock. This happened when Olivia and I sat down with the budget spreadsheet and started figuring out what this wedding is really going to cost us. Wow. Small families in Uganda could live for a few hundred years on our newly-revised wedding budget.

I have no doubt that we'll be able to take care of things financially. More importantly, I have no doubt that the wedding (and related events) will be fun, memorable, and worth every penny we throw at it. After all, you only do this once!

Posted by Jeff at July 7, 2004 11:27 AM

It's okay, Mike had a similar "breakdown" during our wedding planning. Just remember, if you can actually pay for everything by the time the wedding comes, you are in the best shape ever. We ran up credit cards, etc. and we're still paying it off over a year later!!

Posted by: Lauren at July 9, 2004 08:33 AM

I know I used to preach the avoidance of running up credit cards, but sometimes you just need to flex that platinum! ;)

You've got the right attitude about it though- might as well have fun with things! I've come full-circle on financial conservatism. We only live once, man. Live it up.

Posted by: sunBurned in oaKland at July 11, 2004 02:07 AM

BTW- this site loads REALLY well on a 28.8 connection. No cache, either!

Posted by: b at July 11, 2004 02:08 AM
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