August 19, 2003

Starting from the end

As strange as it may be, the only thing we definitely have planned is the honeymoon.

Mr & Mrs P happened upon some roundtrip airline ticket vouchers (with purchase of 7 nights at select hotels) to select destinations. And they chose to give them to us. :) (Many, many thanks for that!!!!!)

The only kicker? We had to decide on a location and dates by August 15. Yikes!

We mulled and pondered for a week, checking out the websites for the hotels we were interested in. And finally, the day before our deadline we had it down to two choices: Cancun or Hawaii.

We weighed the pros and cons of each and decided to stick with the tried and true. That's right, we're going back to Hawaii. :) We're booked at the Sheraton on Maui for a week.

Now all we have to do is plan the wedding!

Posted by Olivia at August 19, 2003 04:47 PM


Posted by: Brian at August 19, 2003 11:38 PM

Hey, does this mean that I will be the only person in the family to only have gone to Hawaii ONCE?????

No fair!!! ;-)

Posted by: Jennifer at August 20, 2003 12:04 AM

Are you going to be near the place where Jeff proposed? That would be so cool to go back to wear this all began (the engagement, that is) :)

Posted by: Lauren at August 20, 2003 09:04 AM

Actually, now that I think about it, that's really cool because for your wedding you're going back to where the relationship began!

Posted by: Lauren at August 20, 2003 09:04 AM

I hear that Bismarck North Dakota is nice that time of year...

Posted by: Jim Vaile at August 22, 2003 09:29 AM
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