August 13, 2003
The beginning
Well guys, here it is, our very own site to keep you all updated on all the wedding planning. Not that we're planning a big, elaborate event, we just thought it might be fun (not mention geeky) to be able to share everything in a central location.
First order of business, the date.
For those of you who just can't wait to know (Lauren ;) ), we're looking at October 16, 2004.
We'd both had the idea to get married at Radford, so we decided to look into it. Fall Break is the weekend of the 16th which would be perfect. Now it's deciding which would be best, Saturday (16th) or Sunday (17th). Any thoughts?
Thanks to Lauren's resourcefulness (is that a word?) Jeff has spoken with a lady at RU who has pointed us in the right direction to secure the day and location. And I'll let you know about that when we have more specific details. :)
Posted by Olivia at August 13, 2003 12:29 AM
I definitely suggest Saturday. No matter the size of the event, after all the drinking and debauchery at your reception we're all going to need a day to recover. :)
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have been been waiting and waiting and waiting (not that we are excited about the wedding). An Oct. wedding sounds great. It should be beautiful at Radford. Let us know what you need us to do to help. Love you both!
Crap. I'm busy those days. I have that thing with the guy at the place. :) heh heh.....
This is cool! :)
( I miss the LEGO people though. )
Saturdays are great, since Sundays might involve traveling home for lots of people. I don't think you'll have many local guests, so pretty much everyone will be traveling home on Sunday, right? Much better than racing out of the wedding early to reduce the day-trip time, ya know?
Just a thought. :)
That's great idea having it at Radford!
Afterwards we can go streaking across the quad and into the gymnasium! YEAAHH Wooo!
Are you guys handing out Lolo Task Lists?
I second the motion for Saturday!
So that means everyone who needs to be there Friday can be?
Wouldn't miss it for the world!
Sounds like a good excuse to take a personal day!
If you guys need me, I'll be there tuesday. Just say the word.
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Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000.00 or best offer. No longer needed. Got married last weekend. Wife knows everything.